Friday, May 30, 2008

LED? Who Cares? Passion Kampala!

Day one is in the books and was amazing! There were some early worries with running out of volunteer credentials and t-shirts and even a rumor that a place in town was printing fake ones, but in the end everything went so smoothly! OK, so the second LED didn't work, but it didn't even seem to matter and after the session it looked like they might have finally got it working! I'm sorry about the poor night shot, it was really hard to get a pic to do the atmosphere justice, but it was electric.

OK, back to the beginning. I was blessed with an awesome group of volunteers, so willing to help and so energetic. They all belong to one of two churches and are pretty close friends. When I had my first meeting with them this morning I had to step away to take a cell call (speaking of which, the Ugandan cell system is cool, you can get reception anywhere and I mean anywhere and it's pretty cheap, even to the states). So anyway I step to the side and within about a minute my whole group sprung into song singing, "I am a friend of God." They all were awesome for me today.

The event start was surreal. The music started and the words started flashing on the screen and it all kind of hit me that Passion Kampala had happened. The Ugandans really get into things too. my best estimate of crowd tonight, maybe 20,000 with more expected tomorrow. It was awesome to here the crowd singing "God of this City." The crowd moved so easy it was amazing.

Well I might be a little tired, a little red and have some blisters on my feet, but I know I'm not the only one in that group and I believe in grace. Tomorrow is a long day, but I have no doubt that it will be a great day for Kampala. Good night.

1 comment:

Pam Masters said...

Thanks for taking a few minutes to blog and upload some pics of the day!! I know from the others' posts that you're not the only one tired and hurting tonight. Pray that as you're getting last few hours of sleep now that you'll be reinvigorated (and hopefully not so much pain) when you wake up!