Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So I saw a great article about NASCAR running on E15 next year that made me smile for two reasons:

First, it brought back memories of me going around the track as a passenger in a NASCAR at the Atlanta Motor Speedway at 180 mph in a ride-along after the race. I'm not the biggest NASCAR fan in the world, the tickets and ride-along were actually a gift for my sister who is a NASCAR freak, but I have to admit it was a rush of a lifetime.

The second reason is because my company, Hydro Dynamics, Inc., has a huge initiative going right now to increase ethanol yield from corn using cavitation. I know there's some debate on the merits of corn ethanol (and I have some opinions on that), but this is a real win-win in that we allow higher ethanol production from the same amount of corn for already existing plants. Well if you're curious you can read more at It's funny how things sometimes come full circle, years ago NASCAR started as a sport among guys who used to run moonshine, but next year they'll be running it in their engines. Ironic. Maybe some NASCAR fuel will be processed on a ShockWave Power Reactor in 2011!