Wednesday, July 29, 2009

UFL - UpStreet Football League

It's coming, the UFL! If you're involved in UpStreet in any way please contact me or Jill Roberts to join our fantasy football league. Look forward to a great year of fun!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

North Point Online

Well it starts tonight! Tested that I'm able to watch on my cell phone tonight using Skyfire browser since I won't be home!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Transformers on Upstreet

Well as many of you know I volunteer with a group of First Graders every Sunday at Buckhead Church in an environment we call UpStreet. Our theme for the summer is summer camp. Our first activity was a Mad Libs letter home. Our final blank, the person the letter was from, was Optimus Prime. We then got into a lengthy discussion about if Transformers could come to church or not. Some said that he was too big, I countered that he could stand outside and look through the windows. Some said robots couldn't come to church even if they were small. The kids really got into this discussion, like the whole room! I then turned to Alex to settle the deal, I asked in front of the kids, "Alex, if Optimus Prime showed up at that door, would you let him into UpStreet?" Alex responded, "If his parents were with him and I could hand them a tag, I would!" I then contacted UpStreet Director, Jill Roberts, to make sure this was the official line with Transformers on UpStreet, you never know when this type of thing might come up again. She responded, "As long as Optimus Prime is indeed a Kindergarten through 5th grader, we do not discriminate by size." Gotta love working with kids, they get all excited by the most simple things, kind of like me sometimes.

Oh, and I saw the new Transformers movie, pretty good stuff. It's a fun 2.5 hour thrill ride, in the end really nothing surprising or redeeming as it has a highly predicable plot, but great to look at, funny and fun! Seen a ton of movies this summer which is cool, brings back memories of when I worked at a theater in college and saw almost everything for a couple of summers.

Friday, July 10, 2009


So I started playing adult kickball on Tuesday nights and it is way fun. I have a great group of teammates, basically none of whom I knew before. Been a good thing for me in that I generally don't have the opportunity to interact with large groups of strangers outside Buckhead Church stuff too often. It was way different being in a church and secular environment.

So I've discovered a few things:
  1. I'm actually pretty good at this game! Is there a pro league? Maybe I missed my calling.
  2. It's fun
  3. It's harder to kick than you'd think. An ump calls balls and strikes, but some people pitch fast and with spin.
  4. Many folks enjoy an adult beverage before, during and after the game, but somehow quality of play seems to increase as the game goes on, I don't get this.
Well more on this later, but if you're looking for an athletic and social outlet, this rocks! They also offer Dodgeball, anyone game?