Friday, July 10, 2009


So I started playing adult kickball on Tuesday nights and it is way fun. I have a great group of teammates, basically none of whom I knew before. Been a good thing for me in that I generally don't have the opportunity to interact with large groups of strangers outside Buckhead Church stuff too often. It was way different being in a church and secular environment.

So I've discovered a few things:
  1. I'm actually pretty good at this game! Is there a pro league? Maybe I missed my calling.
  2. It's fun
  3. It's harder to kick than you'd think. An ump calls balls and strikes, but some people pitch fast and with spin.
  4. Many folks enjoy an adult beverage before, during and after the game, but somehow quality of play seems to increase as the game goes on, I don't get this.
Well more on this later, but if you're looking for an athletic and social outlet, this rocks! They also offer Dodgeball, anyone game?

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