Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Go! Pack! Go!...But Crisp $100 Bills Only Please

Ok, so for those of you from Wisconsin, you probably recognize the first part of the title above as a stadium chant for the Green Bay Packers, but I think that's going to be my life for the next couple of days.  I have to go and do things like get my prescriptions filled for Malarone, Cipro and Ambien, get some other supplies like breakfast bars and pack like crazy.  I also need to go to the bank to get some major cash as I guess you get nearly double the exchange rate when you use crisp and unfolded $100 bills from the year 2001 and beyond.  Talk about picky.  I'm really hoping to not procrastinate and get most of my packing done by sat Thursday, but you know what they say about good intentions.

I guess according to our leaders, we're all set and the only thing left to do is show-up in Uganda. Still doesn't seem quite real yet, but I'm sure it will Saturday morning!

1 comment:

MAH said...

Very exciting!!!! I will be praying for you all next week