Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Dad's tumor has a name

Just a short note to let you know that we finally have a name for Dad's tumor. It called an "anaplastic oligodendroglioma - Grade 3". So far we've been told that it is an aggressive tumor, but it is one that the doctors are familiar with and it does respond to chemo and radiation. He meets with an oncologist Thursday morning at the Cancer Center, and then with his 2 neurosurgeons Thursday afternoon to discuss options. As far as we know, surgery has been ruled out as it would be too risky at this time with the issues with speech and his right leg. Chemo and radiation seem in the cards and seem to do well with this type of tumor. His doctors are strong believers in doing no harm to healthy brain and hence the desire to try other things first rather than something that could leave him with long term deficiencies.

This was the type his doctors hypothesized it might be from the beginning and is somewhat of a rare one. That's kind of a good thing though as the most common is also the worst. You'd never call a diagnosis of a malignant tumor a relief, but this type of tumor and its treatability is better than what it could have been given some of the characteristics.

For the most part Dad continues to do well although he is having more and more episodes of right sided weakness and near falls. It is very frustrating for him when he can't walk as steady as he would like. We've been advised that the weakness will get worse before it gets better, but he and my mom are committed to taking one day at a time.

If you Google this tumor it's got some serious and scary stuff associated with it. I'm comforted, however, that many people do well with these for a LONG time and his docs are some of the best in the country frequently getting outcomes multiples better than average due to their cutting edge treatments and techniques. Everyone is an individual and stats can often be misleading.

We all continue to request and thank you for your thoughts and prayers. As I learn more, I'll give updates.

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