Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bucket List

So I guess things like my Dad's tumor make you think even more about cherishing each day.  My dad also went to the doctor ASAP with the first hints of something strange, that and taking care of yourself also are important points.  Most people who know me know I have a pretty healthy bucket list and also travel a lot for work and pleasure.  I have a personal goal to hit all 50 states and 7 continents by 40.  See the map below for how I'm doing so far on the states:

create your own personalized map of the USA

I'm pumped about Pam and my honeymoon.  Of course the primary reason is to relax and celebrate the start of our marriage, but it also has the frosting of going to Australia and Korea.  So far so good.  Alaska and Antarctica will take some work and the second one may be a solo trip, but think I can do it.

So what's on your bucket list?

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