Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Well if they can write it in the paper it's got to be correct right?

So the newspapers over there have some funny stories.  One headline talked about people making counterfeit 500 shilling coins.  With the exchange rate that's about $0.30.  Don't you think you could get a little more adventurous than counterfeiting a quarter?  In another article it talked about how who I believe is the surgeon general of Uganda saying that men should not be in the delivery room during birth.  I guess "evidence" shows that it makes labor longer, harder and more painful.  It also, supposedly, makes that man less attracted to his wife (due to what he sees) and thus more likely to avoid his wife and spend more time in the pub.  The papers also had some pictures of Chris Tomlin which I'm sure they contacted Passion to get the proper permission to use.  Well if they can write it in the paper it's got to be correct right?

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