Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Running for a good cause

So on Saturday I ran the Roswell 13.1 "alien themed" half marathon.  I missed a critical component of the marathon experience however.......training.  I hadn't run in about 4 weeks with the wedding and honeymoon. It was rough, but I survived.

On September 8th I'll be running for a different reason up in Wisconsin.  The Fox Valley Brain Tumor Coalition (FVBTC) will be holding their annual race.  The race benefits their work to support the patients of brain tumors and their caregivers.  It's a really cool race in that the patients themselves are encouraged to participate!  Some may only make it 50 feet and others just a step or two, but that's not the point, it's all about support and encouragement for what can be a very depressing disease.  My dad's goal is to make one lap, about a half mile.  I have no clue how far I'll go, but all that matters to me is being there to support my dad.  If you're interested in learning more about the great work of the FVBTC or donating, my dad has setup a race page below:


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