Monday, May 18, 2009

Plastic Explosives and Cheese

Went to a wedding last night and knew 3 people (the bride Kristi and 2 of the bridesmaids, Christin and Kim), but like 20 people knew of me from a story I told one of them, Kim. The story was one I told over an UpStreet lunch on a weekend where Kim was visiting Kristi (this was also the weekend Kristi lost in b-ball after much smack talking). We got on the topic of airport security and I told them about Wisconsin issues of cheese being mistaken for plastic explosives on x-ray because the density is similar. Here's an article about it. Kim decided to test this and actually put a block of cheddar in her carry-on last time she flew and was disappointed to not be pulled aside by security. Now I don't know what your idea of a good time is, but quality time with TSA isn't it. So I guess she told everyone the story and I was the "cheese" guy. She vows to try again and I wish her the best of luck in being added to the terror watch list as she exercises her constitutional freedom to carry cheese. I'm guessing if she or Kristi caused trouble I know who the instigator was. So it was a weird feeling to have everyone know you, but not really know anyone. Ever have that?

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